In the first stage of the Bit O’ Red Wall, we brought you many tales of people who bought tiles for varying reasons, it was called Stories from the Wall.
As a result of a surge of interest from Sligo Rovers fans at home and abroad, the first stage took 302 orders.
To purchase a tile click here Bit O’ Red Wall Tile
The first story of stage two is a very apt one in these times.
Ian McLoughlin from Calry has lived in Shanghai for six years and returns home at Christmas most years, unfortunately rarely taking in a game.

Two years ago he joined the 500 Club and last November just as he was coming home he got word of winning the top prize of €500. The 500 Club win helped pay for a nice Christmas back in our great town.
After seeing the Wall, Ian has just purchased a tile and updates us from China where the Coronavirus has slowed down after tens of thousands of cases and over a month of lockdown.
He explains: “It was lockdown for over a month but now its beginning to open up again here like bars, restaurants and shops.
“It’s beginning to return to normal while Europe is at the stage we were at in early February.
“The government has really taken it seriously and put in extreme measure which have worked in slowing it down, it seems like that’s started at home now. The schools are not opening yet. That is hoped next month.
“I’m a Shanghai Shenua season ticket holder and that hasn’t gone to much use. I’m more concerned about Rovers of course, but the most important thing is following the guidelines and people to be safe.
“I hope the Wall tile helps Rovers and everyone is keeping safe. Isolation is not easy but we got through it. It’s not over but normality is beggining to return slowly.”
The tile will read:
Social Distance
For the Rovers
Ian McLoughlin
We estimate we lose up to €20,000 per match night when cancelled, with two games cancelled so far, as well as the Easter Camps which regularly generate a five-figure sum.
The tile will be erected at the first possible occasion
To buy a wall tile click here anytime Bit O’ Red Wall Tile