Similar Access Policy

Sligo Rovers Football Club undertakes to provide similar access for women and men to the facilities that benefit from State funding.

Sligo Rovers Football Club will take the necessary and proportionate steps towards implementing a Similar Access Policy by ensuring that:

a. Women and men will have similar access to facilities, including the best training, games, and optimal facility times, as well as similar access to social and changing room facilities.

b. Women and men can fully participate in all aspects of the club or organization, including as players, active participants, coaches, administrators, officials, volunteers, and spectators.

c. Women and men will have similar access to and similar use of the sports infrastructure.

d. Women and men will be represented in leadership and governance roles, including representation in line with government policy at the board level.

e. All user groups who access and use the facility are encouraged and supported to understand, implement, and adopt our Similar Access Policy.

f. User groups that demonstrate an ongoing commitment to implementing similar access policies are prioritized and supported.

g. We further undertake to publish our Similar Access Policy and update it annually on our website (or another suitable and publicly accessible forum).

h. We confirm compliance with the provisions of the Equal Status Acts.

Approval Record: Similar Access Policy v.1

Reviewed by: Secretary, May 13, 2024

Approved by: Management Committee, May 13, 2024