Last Man Standing 2019/20

After the success of our two Last Man Standing competitions to date, we are delighted to announce we will be running a new competition starting on week one of the English Premier League Season beginning with the tie between Liverpool and Norwich on August 9th.

The competition created a real buzz between friends, families, work colleagues and team-mates and we hope this will be no different.

The entry fee remains at €10 per entry, with supporters allowed to enter as many times as they wish. We are hoping this will be our biggest competition to date, with tickets already being issued to eager participants.

For those who are not familiar with Last Man Standing, each competitor will pick a team from that weekend’s Premier League fixtures. If your team wins their game, you go through to the next round. If they lose or draw however, you’re out of the competition.

Tickets can be purchased from any committee member and are also available to buy in The Showgrounds office. (Monday-Friday between 10am&2pm). If you’re interested in selling tickets on behalf of the club you can email

Alternatively, you can enter the highly anticipated competition  

Each entry costs €10 or €10.50 online.

All entrants to the competition will be contacted with deadlines and information closer to the kick-off times each week.

Competition Rules:

  1. Pay your entry fee before Week 1 — no need to pay again.
  2. There is a single prize of €1,000 which will be paid to the competition winner.
  3. Each week, simply pick a team playing a Premier League match that week – if your team wins, you go through, lose or draw and you’re out.
  4. You can only pick a team to win once in a competition, so you need to be tactical about who you pick and when.
  5. All selections must be in no later than 24 hours before the first game of the game-week. You can change your selection up to this deadline, a participant’s last pick will be considered their final selection. Selections will be available by text or email ONLY. It is the participants’ responsibility to ensure that the entry is submitted.
  6. If your team’s game is postponed after your selection you are automatically put through to the next round.
  7. If you forget to pick a team, you will be assigned one automatically. The selection will be the first available team in alphabetical order.
  8. An individual may enter more than one team. Each entry will be treated individually and will require a unique valid selection for each game week.
  9. Last Man continues until only one person remains and wins the pot. If more than one remain everyone goes through to the next round. If all remaining players lose in the last round, they all go through to the next round.